Sunday, August 27, 2017

Extra Reading Notes: Lotuses and Goblins

The Monkey Who Gathered Lotuses: One of the main concept is family relationships. It might be fun to explore this in more detail. In addition, it might be fun to retell the story in terms of a modern setting. Furthermore, it might be interesting to explore the story from the mothers point of view. Similarly, it could be fun to explore more of the ogres thoughts in the situation.

A field of lotuses.
Source: Flickr

Goblin City: Deception is one of the main concepts of this tale. Might be interesting to explore the mindset of the goblins. Also might be fun to include a single male goblin in the mix and see how he reacts to the events of the tale. Another possibility is having a setting where a man is reciting the tale to an audience. Finally, it might be fun to explore the events leading up to the sailors marrying the goblins. 

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