Sunday, August 20, 2017

My Time Strategies

A clock with no hand, emphasizing the importance of time.

Honestly, I’ve never really needed a time schedule to keep me on track for any classes I’ve taken. In the over a dozen online classes I’ve taken, I have never fallen behind, waited till last minute, or missed a deadline. I guess it’s probably because, by nature, I’m a pretty organized guy. So, I don’t see myself making some elaborate schedule to manage my time or anything. With that said, I do intend to, more or less, stick to my original planned schedule since those days are the ones with the least amount of other commitments. Regardless, I did read “How to Beat Procrastination” by Caroline Webb and “11 Ways Unsuccessful People Mismanage Their Time” by Áine Cain. While they did have interesting ideas and takes on time management, I didn’t really see anything that I felt I needed to consider for my own time management.

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